
Your retro computing haven

Welcome to Vintage486!


Growing up in the 1980s for me included my first introduction to computers. My father's 80286 at 12 MHz (with Turbo to throttle it back to 8 MHz) served as our household's computer. I learned to program on that machine (GW-BASIC first, Turbo Pascal later) and played my first games. I later bought my very own 80286 @ 16 MHz, 1 MB of RAM and VGA board! What a beast! The first game I played was Leisure Suit Larry 5.
My journey continued later with an upgrade to a Sound Blaster Pro 2.0 which I saved for myself; later a 80386SX/33 with 4MB of RAM and even later I bought an old 80486SX/25 mainboard, barely being able to play Doom.

Why this site?

I loved and still love vintage computers and the games that come with it, mainly Sierra and LucasArts Adventure style games. On this site, I will slowly build an index of my collection, my experiences and of course playthroughs of the games that are most dear to me.
After acquiring quite a collection (nothing compared to, for instance, LGR though), I figured I need to index and publish what I have so I can share my passion with others. I also plan do so some shorts on my newly created YouTube channel, which funnily enough has the letters XGA in the URL which is quite fitting.
If you want to ask me any questions, please use the contact page. I expect this project to take years at least so don't be surprised that new contact is added periodically.
Last update: Jan 2, 2025